The Importance of Finding Water:Finding drinkable water is crucial for survival. You can survive weeks without food, but only 2-3 days without water, especially in dry or hot areas.
Risks of Contaminated Water:Contaminated water can cause vomiting and diarrhea, worsening dehydration. Even clear streams can harbor harmful parasites or bacteria. Clean water is essential.
Filtering Water:Use a Millbank bag or improvise with a sock filled with sand and rocks to filter debris from found water. A survival straw is also handy for filtering.
Purifying Water:After filtering, purify water with tablets or by boiling it for at least a minute. In emergencies, sunlight can partially purify water by killing some bacteria.
Drinking Urine in Emergencies:Fresh urine can be a last-resort water source in survival situations. It's nearly sterile when fresh, but avoid dark urine as it can be harmful.