Report Reveals the 5 Most Polluted U.S. National Parks

Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks (California): Known for giant sequoias, these parks frequently experience haze from wildfires and pollution, impacting visibility and air quality.

Joshua Tree National Park (California): Desert landscapes and iconic Joshua trees suffer from smog and dust, reducing air clarity and affecting visitors' respiratory health.

Yosemite National Park (California): Famed for its stunning cliffs and waterfalls, Yosemite faces persistent air pollution challenges from surrounding urban areas and wildfires.

Death Valley National Park (California): The hottest place on Earth often deals with air pollution from dust storms and vehicle emissions, impacting its stark, beautiful vistas.

Rocky Mountain National Park (Colorado): Home to rugged mountains and alpine lakes, this park contends with pollution from nearby oil and gas activities, affecting its pristine environment.