Upgrade Your Adventure With Outdoors+

Get access to Q&As and meetups with Bear Grylls and Outdoors Experts, free merch and exclusive deals, plus forums to connect with members around the world.

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Get early access for only $99/Year. Offer ends on December 31st.

10% of your membership goes to support The World Land Trust,

Outdoors+ Benefits

Get early access for only $99/Year. Offer ends December 31st.

Exclusive Merch + Deals

Get a free, members only water bottle with Outdoors+ logo and a sticker pack with Bear Approved insignia

Q&As + Meetups

Get access to Q&As and meetups with Bear Grylls and the Outdoors Experts

Private Forums

Get access to private forums to connect with the Outdoors Experts and other members around the world.

10% of your membership goes to The World Land Trust, a charitable organization hand selected by Bear that creates wilderness reserves and provides permanent protection for endangered habitats. They are an awesome team on a critical global environmental mission.

"Adventure, to me, has always been about the connections and bonds you create with people while you're out there. With Outdoors+, we are powerfully fostering a community where even more connections are made through the world of adventure."

bear pose outdoors+

Get early access for only $99/Year. Offer valid until December 31st.

10% of your membership goes to The World Land Trust, a charitable organization hand selected by Bear that creates wilderness reserves and provides permanent protection for endangered habitats. They are an awesome team on a critical global environmental mission.

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