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Do You Know Woodsgating?

Tailgating is great. Tons of food, surrounded by friends for the afternoon, how could it get better? Well, it typically takes place in a scorching parking lot … We can almost hear that “womp womp womp” sad trombone sound. Call us crazy, probably justified in some cases, but we’d rather have that same experience surrounded by nature rather than a hot parking lot. Welcome to Woodsgating: A day-only camping trip.

Videos by Outdoors

Too often we make excuses not to get away for the weekend. There is the rare occasion where those reasons are entirely justified, and you can’t exactly go on a weekend camping trip, but you do have the ability to enjoy the outdoors for a few hours. This situation is where Woodsgating shines. Maybe you’ve done this already and just haven’t had a name for it, or you’ve never experienced doing a day camping trip. Either way, the point of all this is to suggest you do more of it!

What is Woodsgating?

Grab your traditional camping gear, sans sleeping equipment, and head into the backcountry or even the back-40 with your friends and family for the day or even a couple hours. Woodsgating is a fantastic option for those of us with busy summer schedules and don’t have full weekends to commit to camping. Grill some food, drink some drinks, and have a blast around a campfire. When the “real world” starts calling your name with responsibilities, pack up and head home. Trust us, spending an afternoon in the outdoors is much better than staying home wishing you had time to go on a weekend camping trip.

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