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Chill Black Bear Cannot Be Bothered to Leave Renaissance Fair

Some animals get aggressive when they wind up in a place they’re not supposed to be. Not this one. A black bear in Colorado found its way to a renaissance fair and set up camp beneath a honeycomb shop—probably for the free smells. Officials say it appeared to have no intention of leaving.

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office (DCSO) posted photos on X of the bear, which they named Smoky, beneath a building. It wasn’t a large bear, just about 80 pounds, so it fit nicely in the spot it chose.

DCSO says the “uninvited guest” ventured onto the Larkspur Renaissance Festival’s property last Sunday. The sheriff’s office cleared the public from the area as they kept watch on the bear. When Colorado Parks and Wildlife arrived on the scene, wildlife officials couldn’t coax it out from beneath the honeycomb shop.

“The bear didn’t seem bothered by any of us,” the X post says. “He even found a ball to play with while he rested.”

Eventually, officials got the black bear out of the renaissance fair, and they released it “in a better-suited place for him, away from humans.” Fortunately for everyone, there were no injuries. Unfortunately for Smoky, he didn’t get any honeycomb from the fair.

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