A Very Big Kitty Gets Too Far up a Tree (Video)
A mushroom forager spotted a mountain lion way, waaay up a tree. It seems to be thinking: “Oh sh*t, this is too high.” Watch it here.
A mushroom forager spotted a mountain lion way, waaay up a tree. It seems to be thinking: “Oh sh*t, this is too high.” Watch it here.
Sea lions created a scene last week as they created a ‘sea lion avalanche.’ Thankfully, someone was there to catch it on video.
“Sometimes you send and most of the time you don’t, and sometimes you take a good whip.” Watch a trad climber take a frightening fall here.
Why did the salmon cross the road? A video shows a bunch of migrating salmon crossing a road in Washington, and it’s baffling. Watch here.
We’ve all heard the saying “like a bull in a china shop,” but are bulls really that clumsy and destructive? Find out here.
A deer enjoys “nature’s salon” in a video from a wildlife photographer, but why is it letting the birds peck at it like that?
A man approaches an innocent-looking lizard on the side of the road, but what happens next is quite terrifying.
A hilarious elk calf named Oddball randomly joined a herd of cows in Oregon, and now it’s living its best life. Watch here.
A viral video shows a kangaroo vs. punching bag battle going down in what appears to be a garage. Watch it and learn more here.
A video circulating online shows a deer ramming an unfortunate tourist. The deer in this area are supposedly “tame,” and yet . . .