WATCH: A Jaguar and a Puma Hang out in Costa Rica? Not Quite.
A video on Instagram shows a jaguar walking through a forest in Costa Rica followed closely by a puma, but is that even possible?
A video on Instagram shows a jaguar walking through a forest in Costa Rica followed closely by a puma, but is that even possible?
A year-long camera trap project in the Congo has produced high-resolution images of the “rarest, endangered mammals for the first time.”
Apparently, there’s a rational explanation for this monstrosity. Not everyone is buying the idea that this is a fish and not an alien head.
Wildlife photographers experienced a “special moment in Yellowstone” when they spotted a pair of cougars walking along a snowy ridge line.
What happens when an African elephant wants to share the watering hole with a hippo? See a hippo vs. elephant showdown in Botswana.
Have you ever mistook a snake for a giraffe? This African rock python might be as long as a giraffe is tall. See it climb a tree here.
A very curious and friendly beluga wanted to check out an underwater camera in Churchill, and the resulting video is delightful. Watch here.
“Tell me you’re in Australia without telling me you’re in Australia.” A shark and a croc star in a viral video.
At least six elephants died after a passenger train collided with a herd of wild elephants that was crossing the track in Sri Lanka.
A golfer spotted baby black bears wrestling on the golf course, and then one of them even started trying to take down a flag. Watch here.