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Dog Treats Laced With Fish Hooks Found on the Appalachian Trail

An unknown person laced dog treats with fish hooks and left them out in the open on the Appalachian Trail. The Pennsylvania Game Commission – Southeast Region reported the disturbing find on its Facebook page this week.

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The commission says a hiker found the dog treats over the weekend. They were near the North Trail Loop in Pennsylvania, which leads to the George W. Outerbridge shelter.

“Items like these could prove deadly to any animal that consumes them, including wild and domesticated animals,” the commission wrote in its post.

In an interview with the York Daily Record, Dustin Stoner, information and education supervisor for the Pennsylvania Game Commission – Southeast Region, said officials currently don’t have any leads on who did this.

“The presumption is these dog treats were placed with the intent for either wildlife or domestic pets, mainly dogs, to consume,” Stoner said.

He adds that it’d be “a very torturous death” for any animal that consumed the dog treats and fish hooks.

As far as we know, no animals consumed the treats. Officials searched the surrounding area for more hook-laced dog treats and did not find any. They also posted signs warning hikers with pets to be vigilant.

What kind of deranged person stuffs dog treats with fish hooks? Please call 1-833-PGC-WILD or 1-833-PGC-HUNT if you have any information about this incident.

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