This Pack of Wolves Found a Trail Camera and Did Their Best to Smash It
A pack of wolves near Voyageurs National Park discovered a trail camera set up by researchers and decided it was best to try and smash it.
A pack of wolves near Voyageurs National Park discovered a trail camera set up by researchers and decided it was best to try and smash it.
Handling a shark while underwater may not be as complicated as you think. At least, according to this diver on Instagram.
While it may seem more like something from a children’s cartoon, some animals like coyotes and badgers hunt together.Â
Two women recorded a video of wild hogs running out of the woods while biking on a paved trail in Austin, Texas.
Many people believed a mountain lion walked by a reporter during a live shot, but now most experts believe it’s a dog.
A widely shared video shows what almost appears to be a penguin swimming in Boston’s harbor. Here’s what it really is.
While holding up one of the day’s catches, a sea lion grabs a fish straight from an angler’s hands. Watch the video.
San Diego is starting to dry out today after extreme flooding swept through many areas of southern California.
A photographer off the coast of North Carolina spotted an endangered North Atlantic right whale and its calf. Watch the video.
A security camera captured a large pack of coyotes moving through a Massachusetts coastal town. CBS News shared the video.