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Is This a New World Record for Biggest Wave Ever Surfed?

Alessandro “Alo” Slebir may have broken a world record for surfing the biggest wave. Some speculate the wave was 108 feet tall, but it’s difficult to measure these things. Slebir was surfing at Mavericks, a famous surf spot in northern California, just before Christmas when he caught this wave of a lifetime. Thankfully, people were nearby to witness Slebir’s feat, and now it’s up to Guinness to decide how tall the wave was based on photo and video evidence.

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“Yesterday I rode and witnessed some of the biggest waves of my life,” wrote Slebir in an Instagram post sharing stills of him surfing the behemoth. “This wave was one of many that stood out to me.”

Others in the surfing community have tried to figure out just how tall that wave was, sharing their findings on social media in support of a new world record.

See surfer Alo Slebir’s potentially world-record-breaking wave here:

And watch the giant wave in real time here:

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