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Scrubba Wash Bag Overview

For travelers, the Scrubba Wash Bag means packing less and avoiding airline baggage and hotel laundry charges. For camping and outdoor enthusiasts, the Scrubba Wash Bag is the only way to achieve a machine quality wash in the backcountry and means less pollution in water sources. Its compact and lightweight design also makes it a useful item for gym bags, glove boxes and small apartments.

What Makes It Unique
The patent pending Scrubba Wash Bag uses no electricity and minimal water. It is more sanitary than hand washing in a sink, and twice as effective. It is perfect for travelers, campers and outdoor enthusiasts. The wash bag weighs in at a mere 5 oz. and compacts to a washing machine that is able to fit in your pocket!

Manufacturer: Scrubba
Product Name: Wash Bag
MSRP: $54.95

scrubba wash bag
Scrubba Wash Bag

scrubba wash bag
Scrubba Wash Bag

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