Ultimate Safari Scene Unfolds: Leopard, Wild Dogs, AND Elephants
To see a leopard is rare in itself—but combined with a pack of wild dogs and a herd of elephants? See the ultimate safari scene unfold.
To see a leopard is rare in itself—but combined with a pack of wild dogs and a herd of elephants? See the ultimate safari scene unfold.
Some workers on a drill rig off the coast of California got a shock when an orca suddenly surfaced, looking for a sea-lion snack.
A fox dove head first into the snow to capture a meal right outside where a group of skiers were staying. Watch what happens next.
A doorbell camera captured some unexpected visitors to a Naples, Florida front porch—an entire family of black bears. Watch it here.
Relaxing in a hot tub is usually a carefree experience, but not for this family. A cougar was watching them at really close range.
One elephant reminded safari guests of its raw power by putting on a display with its huge tusks. Watch it here.
A live stream from a bald eagle nest in South Carolina caught two baby eagles hatching out of their eggs. See them here.
Not one, not two, not three, but four mountain lions cruised down a residential street in California. Watch the security camera footage here.
Lions always win, right? Well, maybe not always. Watch as a hippo goes after a lion, shocking onlookers in South Africa.
A wildlife photographer wanted to document what polar bears do during the summer. The visuals he captured are breathtaking.