Wild Cougars Create ‘Special Moment in Yellowstone’
Wildlife photographers experienced a “special moment in Yellowstone” when they spotted a pair of cougars walking along a snowy ridge line.
Wildlife photographers experienced a “special moment in Yellowstone” when they spotted a pair of cougars walking along a snowy ridge line.
Wolf 907F, Yellowstone’s oldest wolf at over 11 years old, died on Christmas Day, according to wildlife biologists. She was a legend.
Michael Hodges braved a winter blizzard in Yellowstone to document just how hardy bison are when Mother Nature does her worst.
“Who pooped in the park?” asks Yellowstone National Park. Can you guess which four animals left these four poo piles?
A snowcoach full of tourists came across a pack of howling wolves in Yellowstone, and they got to observe them from afar.
Have you ever wondered what a bison sounds like up close? It’s actually pretty eerie. Turn up your sound and listen here.
A 62-year-old man from Colorado Springs and his family made a common mistake at Yellowstone, and he got fined and banned. Learn more here.
Visitors to Yellowstone National park are enjoying a “majestic display”—a dusting of snow courtesy of a fall snowstorm. See it here.
Search and rescue crews in Yellowstone National Park have been searching for missing hiker for over 11 days. The search has turned desperate.
Watch a group of bikers make their way through a dense herd of bison on the road at Yellowstone National Park.