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Torched Halloween Candy Tasting Notes

What if you toasted all of your favorite Halloween candy?

Would it taste better? Worse? Good idea? Bad idea?

We’ve been having a lot of fun with a BernzOmatic torch around the office this month. Halloween was last weekend, so we thought, “Can we improve on the candy we’ve been eating for years?” I mean hey, maybe we’ll hit on a new way to eat Almond Joys that no one has thought of.

One of the candies below was a clear winner. Watch the video to find out!

  • Snickers
  • Kit Kat
  • Whoppers
  • Tootsie Roll
  • 100 Grand Bar
  • Almond Joy
  • Laffy Taffy
  • Almond Joy
  • Milky Way
torched halloween candies
Torched halloween candies – tootsie roll
torched halloween candies
Torched halloween candies – Snickers


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