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Yosemite Has Had It With People’s Dirty Toilet Paper

Yosemite National Park took to social media for a PSA this week, saying used (and unused) toilet paper is ruining the view for everyone.

“Picture this: Yosemite’s majestic wilderness, stunning vistas, and . . . surprise! Used toilet paper waving hello near Rancheria Falls—a full roll too!” park officials wrote on Instagram. “Unfortunately, this is a sight that’s become all too familiar in Yosemite, even in wilderness areas.”


The first photo in Yosemite’s Instagram photo shows a pristine wilderness, the second shows the same view with some random discarded toilet paper and a whole TP roll sitting not-so-pretty in the foreground, and the third photo shows a close-up of the atrocity.

“If you bring toilet paper out on your trips, please pack it out too,” Yosemite says. “You can bring a sealable plastic baggie to stash it in, and even cover the bag in tape so you don’t have to look at it. Because really, nobody wants to stumble upon a surprise package left behind by an anonymous outdoor enthusiast.”

In case you’re thinking these folks should have just buried their used toilet paper, not so fast. Yosemite has some advice about that practice, too.

“Please don’t bury toilet paper, it’s easily exposed by weather and erosion, and animals can dig it up and disperse it long before it decomposes (which can take 1-3 years, depending on conditions),” park officials say. “Some animals may even use it for nesting material (ew). Let’s keep things clean and classy out there, by packing out whatever you carry in.”

We like it when rangers tell us how they really feel on social media. We all make mistakes, but next time we think about leaving that TP behind, we might just remember this post and think better of it.

In Yosemite’s words: “make memories, not messes!”

(You can always use a portable compostable toilet when camping without facilities.)

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