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A Feral Cat Family in Minnesota Has Gone Viral—Here’s Why

A starving, pregnant cat showed up in a Minnesota family’s yard, and the family rose to the occasion. Now, the feral mama cat and her three kittens are well cared for, living in a hand-built cat condo that’s outdoors and comfy despite the Minnesota winter, and they’re internet famous. People from all over have found joy in this rescue story and watch the feral cat family’s livestream on YouTube. Many people even donate money to buy treats and toys for the cats.

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You can find the famous feral cat family on social media under the moniker Up North Cat Condo (watch the livestream here). The cats come and go as they please, so you can’t always spot all four cats in their condo at once. The family includes the mama named “Such-a-Good-Mama,” along with her three kittens, Lila, Lucy, and Larry. The kittens are now a little over a year old.

“Our Minnesota winters get cold, so my dad built this cat condo for them with ceramic bulbs for heat, and they love it,” wrote Up North Cat Condo in the YouTube livestream’s description. “There are two doors for them to come and go as they please. The platform/deck is for their food and water, so the wild animals don’t steal it from them. The bird feeder is their favorite as they love the entertainment it brings.”

Here are three members of the feral cat family in Minnesota (missing one of the kittens):

feral cats minnesota
Image by Up North Cat Condo via Facebook

The Up North Cat Condo’s Facebook page is flooded with photos showing other people’s cats watching the livestream. One post shows an elderly woman who takes comfort in watching the cats on YouTube from her nursing home.

Want to help take care of these cats? Here is Up North Cat Condo’s Amazon wish list.

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