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American Hiker Survives Fall From Cliff in Switzerland

Logan Moore was on the trip of a lifetime, a 36-day backpacking trip across Europe with his best friend and cousin, Adisyn Mathenia, when the worst happened. While hiking in the Swiss mountains, Moore, 25, slipped and fell. Mathenia reports Moore initially fell about 25 feet onto a boulder then tumbled into a crack head first for another 25 feet. She believes the backpack he was wearing helped him survive the fall.

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Moore told local news that the first impact knocked him out, and when he regained consciousness, he was wedged upside-down in a crack. “I didn’t know if I was going to make it out,” he told Fox News. “Then, once I heard my cousin’s voice and my friends overhead, I knew that they weren’t going to go anywhere until I was freed.”

Mathenia and the friends the pair was hiking with jumped into action after Moore slipped on a slick, mossy rock. Someone went looking for help, someone called for help, and Mathenia and a third friend tried to climb down to get closer to Moore. Moore came to and was able to speak. Mathenia continued to speak to him until a helicopter arrived to help.

“My friends and I were able to get mountain search and rescue there in 21 minutes,” she wrote in a Facebook post. “It took 4 search and rescue personnel and all 3 of my friends and I to get him out in under 1.5 hours.”

First responders airlifted Moore to the nearest hospital where they treated his injuries. He’s now back in the states recovering from his injuries, including a broken left scapula. He already had surgery on his right shoulder.


Yesterday I watched my best friend since I was born fall 50 ft off a cliff and disappear into a crevice. Thanks to mountain search and rescue we were able to get him out. Many things are broken but it is a miracle he is alive. I love you so much Logan. We’ll get through this. Day 10 of 36 pt 2 #grindelwald #switzerland #hiking #alps #searchandrescue #fall #helicopter

♬ Einaudi: Experience – Ludovico Einaudi & Daniel Hope & I Virtuosi Italiani

The family has set up a GoFundMe page to help fund medical expenses here.

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