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Artist Draws Giant Moose in Snow With His Feet (Video)

For about three hours, Eric Goggin shuffled his feet through some untouched snow in New Brunswick, Canada and made a beautiful piece of snow art—a large bull moose. Goggin says he used his drone to keep track of where he was in the process and to see his artwork in realtime as he created it. After posting the video of his process and the final outcome, the online community flooded Goggin with encouraging messages and positive comments.

Videos by Outdoors

“Some snow art on The Washademoak Lake, New Brunswick-Canada,” Goggin humbly wrote as a description to his YouTube video sharing his snow-moose-art progression. It’s hard to believe he managed to create something so large using just his two feet.

CBC reports that this is the third time Goggin has gone out to make some oversized snow art. The first time, he made a howling wolf. The second time, the snow wasn’t the right texture for making art. The third time, he made this majestic moose on the lake.

“It’s just crazy,” Goggin says about the positive reaction he’s gotten online. “All positive, really beautiful, fun comments [. . .] there was no political arguing or anything like that. [. . .] I think I’ll do another one for sure.”

See Goggin’s moose snow art here:

Here’s some behind-the-scenes info from Goggin’s interview with the CBC:

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  1. So refreshing to see an actual artist producing actual art instead of the kindergarten level fingerpaint interpretive garbage produced by most other “top artists” of today.

  2. Old Number 5

    That is the coolest snow art I’ve ever seen. This is on the same scale as the Nazca Lines in Peru except these are only temporary. My hat is off to this incredible artist.

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