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Can You Spot the Moose Chillin’ at Glacier National Park?

Reddit user @Toothpyk777 shared a stunning photo of Grinnell Lake at Montana’s Glacier National Park, but it’s more than just a scenic shot. @Toothpyk777 was also taking a photo of a moose. He/she posted the photo to the Reddit thread Find The Sniper, in which users share photos with well-camouflaged items, including animals.

Videos by Outdoors

Can you spot the moose in this photo of Grinnell Lake?

Scroll down for a hint, then scroll down even further for the answer.

find the moose original
Original image from Reddit user @Toothpyk777 via r/FindTheSniper

See the full-res version here.

–> Need a hint?

The moose is at the edge of the lake.

If you still need some help spotting the moose, scroll down for the answer.




Find the Hidden Animals

Things are about to get really pixelated. Here’s the moose!

spot the moose 2
Original image from Reddit user @Toothpyk777 via r/FindTheSniper

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