The Power of Getting Outdoors: Recent Studies Prove that Nature is Beneficial for Veterans
Multiple studies prove being in nature is beneficial for veterans. This includes taking part in outdoor activities.
Multiple studies prove being in nature is beneficial for veterans. This includes taking part in outdoor activities.
Ice climbing is one of the most extreme outdoor pursuits. You combine the adrenaline of rock climbing with the fragility of ice.
There are at least a dozen North American national parks that are great to visit in the winter to make the season more enjoyable.
Grylls will spend each event sharing inspirational stories about the outdoors, scouting, climbing, wildlife and more.
Great Texas road trip destinations help you get outside big cities like Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio and into the Texas wilderness.
Climbers are weighing in after Guinness revoked the record for the first mountaineer to summit all 14 8,000ers.
Former Rock and Ice editor Francis Sanzaro’s new climbing book The Zen of Climbing (In the Moment) is a must-read for climbers. A follow-up to the many other “zen” books found on shelves today, from Zen of Golf to Zen in the Art of Archery, many experts have turned to Zen to explain the subtleties [...]
Bear Grylls reminisces on filming with Roger Federer, the legendary Swiss tennis player. They have kindled a bit of a bromance since then.
The harsh conditions of Antarctica are not stopping a group of climbers from hitting the bouldering gym at the South Pole.
An increase in visitors and lack of facilities ended with a disgusting issue of human fecal matter left around popular climbing routes.