Can You Fly With a Pet Fish? The TSA Says Go For It
In a surprising social media post, the TSA says passengers can fly with a fish. However, there are some you need to keep in mind.
In a surprising social media post, the TSA says passengers can fly with a fish. However, there are some you need to keep in mind.
You just never know when survival skills may come in handy, and foraging for edible wild plants is one of the most important survival skills you can learn. Knowing which berries and plants you can eat in the wild is especially critical, so you don’t accidentally eat something that’s toxic. The universal edibility test is [...]
Citizen science has become increasingly popular with travelers who want to contribute to the places they’re visiting. Here are a few options.
If you’re like me, you love getting on the water. I have memories of boat rides out on the Gulf Coast, catching glimpses of manatees in the water, and many summers at camp swimming and kayaking. Sometimes, though, boats and I don’t get along. If this sounds all too familiar, but you want to go [...]
Here’s how to prevent feeling like garbage, drowning in your own fluids, or dying from brain swelling because of altitude sickness.
The Pacific Northwest is a veritable wonderland for mushroom enthusiasts. The region – which runs up the west coast of North America from Northern California through British Columbia to the Alaska, is know for high rainfall, and temperate climate – perfect conditions for ‘shrooms, morels and other fungi. Among these are the highly sought-after golden [...]
When you go camping, you’re setting up temporarily in other animals’ living spaces. Here’s how to be a good neighbor.
Tom Langhorne is a Scottish survival instructor and mountain guide who runs a fantastic YouTube channel called Fandabi Dozi.
If you aren’t familiar with his work, this video is a great introduction. In it, Langhorne discusses the clothing, equipment, food and tools that a typical 17th century Scottish Highland traveler would have carried.
The Rocky Mountains are an outdoor paradise with dramatic views of massive mountains, alpine lakes, and abundant wildlife.Â
The first Saturday in August is World Campfire Day, and here at Outdoors, we love a good campfire. Here’s how to celebrate.