Man Approaches Black Bear and Says ‘Rawr!’ in Its Face (Video)
When faced with a large black bear in Whistler, a man walked right up to it, got in its face and yelled “rawr!” Watch the viral video here.
When faced with a large black bear in Whistler, a man walked right up to it, got in its face and yelled “rawr!” Watch the viral video here.
Deep-sea footage of a bristled deep-sea worm scuttling about on the seafloor had the comment section going wild. See it here.
A video shows a young boy dancing on a portaledge attached to El Capitan’s sheer cliff face. The post turned controversial fast. Here’s why.
Watch trail-cam footage of a large bull elk putting on a show, playing in the mud and bugling like no one was watching.
Surveillance footage shows a wild Siberian tiger in China ramming into a farm gate. The farmer narrowly escapes. Watch here.
A hiker spotted a coyote climbing a tree in pursuit of a bobcat, and the interaction took him completely by surprise. Watch here.
A black bear wandered inside a candy shop in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Is it funny, or is it sad? Opinions are mixed.
A chunky marine worm with “shimmering, iridescent fringe” washed up on a beach in the U.K. Experts say it’s something called a sea mouse.
A tapir swam for its life as a jaguar stalked it from the riverbank in South America. Do you think it got away?
A black bear in Canada was hungry for eagle of all things, so it decided to climb a tree to get to a nest. Watch the insane footage here.