Outdoor Retailer is the year’s biggest event for outdoor gear. The biannual event is now back in Salt Lake City, Utah. Attendees get to see some of the latest products in the outdoor industry. The organization recently highlighted a few pieces of gear. We reviewed them and found these five pieces of gear you should put on your must-have list.
Videos by Outdoors
Ortovox Diract Voice

This avalanche transceiver has voice command support for anyone who may be skiing or snowboarding in the backcountry. The Ortovox Diract Voice aims to help a skier who’s partner is in trouble. When activated, it will go through the three phases of an avalanche beacon search. The device aims to keep people calm if they end up in an avalanche path and need to be dug out. Those with Ortovox hope their technology will reduce rescue time and save lives. The device is out now and retails for $450.
Cardo Packtalk

Sticking with devices to use with your outdoor buddy, the Cardo Packtalk is the newest way to communicate in the mountains, whether on the slopes or biking. The device is designed to fit into a helmet and is voice-activated with noise-canceling technology. Even better, up to 15 people can be on the same channel. The waterproof design can work while rafting or wakeboarding, making this 21st-century walkie-talkie an awesome piece of gear. Currently, it sells for $250 for one or $450 for two, so find your mountain biking partner to save some cash.
Cruz BlenderCap Portable Blender

If you’re a big fan of gear at your campsite, this product is for you. The Cruz BlenderCap is a wireless blender that screws onto wide-mouth bottles like a Nalgene or Hydroflask. Outdoor Retailer says the founders worked for a decade at Apple as engineers before jumping to this awesome on-the-go gadget. The portable blender allows you to make protein shakes, smoothies, and even some evening drinks like a frozen daiquiri. The founders say they headed to the outdoor showcase due to how many customers have used the device while camping. The BlenderCap sells for $129.
Mainers Caribou Mitts

You can avoid your hands ever feeling cold again with this serious mitten. The Mainers Caribou Mitts are made from cow leather and have interior insulation made from 3M Thinsulate, polyolefin, and polyester. While not making gloves for outdoor enthusiasts, the company is busy making gloves for NASA, an out-of-this-world endorsement. However, you’ll have to pay for this much warmth with a price tag of $269.
Alpaka Elements Travel Backpack

In the world of remote work and more people getting outdoors, you need the right gear to hit the road or catch a flight. The Alpaka Elements Travel Backpack aims to be that answer. The bag is 35 liters, which provides plenty of room while still falling under the “carry-on” category. Users will find loads of compartments and different pockets for their electronics, battery banks, water bottles, and space for all their outdoor gear. The bag sells for $259.
Are you still working on your holiday shopping ideas? Check out the official Outdoors.com list.
None of these products were at this years OR winter
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