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Deer and Turkeys Gang up on Coyote at Golf Course (Video)

Julian Marco went for a round a golf and ended up in a nature documentary. Across the green were a coyote, several deer, and a whole bunch of turkeys. Even though the coyote is the natural predator in this golf-course group, the deer and turkeys gang up on the coyote. The coyote then appears to hide behind a golfer, who isn’t phased at all by what he’s seeing . . . as implausible as all of that sounds.

Videos by Outdoors

“Golf course nature,” wrote Marco in his TikTok post sharing the video, which went viral with over 460,000 views since he shared it back in 2021. The comments section is popcorn worthy.

“What the h*ll kind of golf course is that, is it a part-time zoo too,” asks one commenter.

“You golfing with Snow White?” asks another.

Marco clarifies in a repost of the video without the overlaid audio that this is the Ancil Hoffman golf course in Sacramento, California. He says: “This is a regular occurrence on this course.”

Watch some deer, turkeys, and a coyote on a golf course in California here:

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