Texas Man Pulls Snake out of Water While Tubing Down a River
A man wasn’t fazed in the slightest when he was tubing down a river in Texas and spotted a large water snake. Here’s what happened next.
A man wasn’t fazed in the slightest when he was tubing down a river in Texas and spotted a large water snake. Here’s what happened next.
In stunning video from the Arctic, there’s a polar bear and several belugas all in one frame. Watch it here.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shared a video of two large black bear cubs playing, fighting, and climbing in Alaska. Watch it here.
An eastern indigo snake puked up some things it had recently eaten. One of those things was still alive. Get the bizarre details here.
A wildlife photographer captured a head-scratching moment—an osprey carrying a pufferfish. But what’s its plan? That thing’s toxic.
A challenge from USFWS tasks followers to find a hidden bear in a photo of a forested area. Can you find it?
A man was baking cookies one evening when a huge black bear broke into his house—presumably because it wanted cookies.
A video shows masses of sea lions on a Monterey, California beach. There are so many, the beach had to close down.
The other-worldly sound of an elk bugling is one of those sounds in nature that can be beautiful or eerie. Listen here.
A man spotted and filmed a rare wild cat in Vermont. Watch the elusive animal walk along the side of the road here.