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Have You Always Wanted to Give Ice Climbing A Try? This Scary Clip May Change Your Mind

Ice climbing is one of the most extreme outdoor pursuits. By combining the adrenaline of rock climbing with the fragility of ice, the sport leaves little room for error. A recent viral clip of an ice climber taking a fall proves that ice climbing isn’t for everyone.

Videos by Outdoors

The clip shows climber Giacomo Mauri working on a pitch when a massive amount of ice gives way. Fortunately, Mauri stays clear of the ice. However, the large chunk does snag his ice axes as it smashes to the ground. In a reply to a comment, Mauri says he did recover one of the axes.

Still interested in ice climbing?

You can find ice climbing routes in places from Pennsylvania to the Pacific Northwest and in some national parks like Rocky Mountain and Glacier.

Here’s a look at all the gear you need to get started.

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