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Hillsound Freestep 6, Trail Crampon, and Trail Crampon Pro

Overview: Starting with the Freestep 6, this is the crampon with the minimalist, quarter-inch spike. It’s great for trail running and getting around in winter icy streets. It’s fully stainless steel and an elastic harness that remains pliable up to -70 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s great for trail running, shoveling the driveway, or walking the dog and that sort of thing.

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Hillsound’s most popular model remains the Trail Crampon, and it is the first crampon we came out with. It’s carbon steel spikes are attached to an ergonomic plate system. It does has hinge so it moves with the sole of the shoe. This is a great option for back country hiking and offers great traction on ice and snow. It also has a Velcro strap which helps the stability of the crampon and helps keep it on in deeper snow as well.

The third most popular model is the Trail Crampon Pro. As you can see, this has a two centimeter long spike, and so it’s a lot more aggressive. It’s a good option for light mountaineering. It has the anti (name – 1:37) which prevents snowy buildup and then adjustable plate so you can adjust it to any size shoe. We’ve also got the ratchet buckle system which operates like a snowboard buckle.

All three of these popular Hillsound Crampons are available at REI, LL Bean, Eastern Mountain Sports, and Camp Saver.

Manufacturer: Hillsound
Product Name: Freestep 6, Trail Crampon, and Trail Pro Crampon

Hillsound Crampons

Hillsound Crampons

Hillsound Crampons

Hillsound Crampons


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