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Ice Skaters Experience Rare, Magical ‘Ice Window’ in Alaska

Luc Mehl is an outdoor educator and ice safety and rescue instructor in Alaska, and last year, he and his group had the rare opportunity to skate on some wild ice that was so clear it was like gliding atop glass. This magical “ice window” provided skaters a glimpse into the crystal-clear waters of Rabbit Lake—an alpine lake in Alaska’s Chugach State Park.

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Mehl gave Reuters an interview about his experience, explaining that several factors created these perfect conditions. For instance, he says that in 2023 when they took this footage, Alaska had “an unusually cold and dry transition to winter,” and snow wasn’t covering the ground when the lake froze over.

In a Facebook post resharing his video clip, Mehl shared some tips for staying safe while skating on wild ice. He says it’s important to test the ice’s thickness and strength along a small lake’s perimeter before going toward the center. He also encourages people to carry safety gear like ice picks, throw ropes, spare clothing, and ice probes.

In the case of the rare ice window of 2023, Mehl says the ice was 3-4 inches thick and that his group was trained in ice-rescue scenarios. He also calls it a “magical” and once-in-a-lifetime experience that he never expects to be able to recreate.

See Mehl’s post’s about the ice window he experienced in Alaska here:

See the full video and an interview with Mehl here:

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