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Mountain Lion Hunts Javelina From a Tree in Arizona Parking Lot

Apparently, when you’re hiking in some parts of Arizona, you should be looking up into the trees for mountain lions. (And maybe you should also be doing this if you’re in random parking lots that border mountainous areas.) A video circulating online shows a mountain lion hunting a javelina from what appears to be a mesquite tree growing in a parking lot. The man filming the video seems quite shocked at what he’s seeing, and the mountain lion seems quite annoyed that the man is ruining his chances with the javelina.

Videos by Outdoors

“New fear unlocked,” wrote PHX Valley Uncensored, an account that shares submitted videos from the greater Phoenix area, in an Instagram post. “Look up for mountain lions on the trail . . . “

As commenters point out, though, this isn’t a trail. There are lines on the ground suggesting it’s a parking lot. It’s possible the parking lot is a trailhead.

Watch as a mountain lion in Arizona attempts to hunt a javelina from a parking-lot tree:

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