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Pine Cove Campground in Ohio

Pine Cove Campground in Ohio

Camp Ohio: I’m talking with Jim today from Pine Cove Campground in Ohio. How’s it going this morning, Jim?

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Jim: Just fine. Just fine.

Camp Ohio: So, we were chatting a little bit earlier and you’re a little bit new to the campground scene and to having the RV Park there. So, you said it’s been about a year. Tell me how that first year is going for you over there.

Pine Cove Campground
Pine Cove Campground

Jim: I guess everything we probably knew about campgrounds was not enough. We’ve learned many, many things. Our patrons of our campground have been very helpful and very considerate. And as we move forward through this process, we’ve enjoyed every minute of it. I left the professional career to run the day-to-day operations of the campground. Never worked harder for more hours and enjoyed it more, so it’s been a great year.

Camp Ohio: Okay. Now, you were saying that the majority of the campers there are seasonal campers and that you do have a little bit of space on the weekends for people that are maybe coming through to kind of stop off, but that the majority are seasonal campers. Do you find that that creates a stronger sense of community?

Jim: Yeah, I would say it does. Being that everybody kind of knows each other, they’re very friendly to the people that come and kind of just extend out to them to make them a part of the family. It also works very good as a marketing tool. I think people see that sense of community in our campground as seasonals, and then it at least puts the spark in their minds, thinking, “Gosh, maybe I’d like to be a seasonal here as well.”

Camp Ohio: Sure. Now, what are the most popular activities for the campers there at Pine Cove Campground?

Jim: Well, I believe the biggest activity in any campground is eating. The community dinners and the cook-offs and stuff always have a tremendous participation.

Camp Ohio: Okay.

Jim: A good friend of mine said what he liked best about camping is half the time you’re eating and the other half the time you’re thinking about what you’re going to eat.

Pine Cove Campground
Pine Cove Campground

Camp Ohio: I would agree with that and throwing a cold beer around a campfire into the mix there, and that’s about all you need.

Jim: Yes.

Camp Ohio: Tell me about some of your favorite attractions in that area.

Jim: In the area? Our campground backs up to Cowan Lake State Park. It’s probably a lake that’s a little bit off the beaten path because it’s a horse part restricted lake, which kind of would be termed more of a sailboat lake. The anglers really like it for the fishing that it offers because you don’t have the big powerboats. A very rolling hills. Very much horse country. The campground here features an entirely wooded property. The Town of Wilmington is a quant little town. It was kind of on the rebound. It’s seen some tough times, but the little shops are moving back into town. A lot of antiquing around. We are close to Cincinnati, Columbus and (Unclear 3:33.7) markets, so we’ve got the professional sports of the Rats, the Bangles, and we’ve got Team Zilon close by.

We’ve got a bigger lake. If you want the pirate boating, Caesar’s Creek. Antiquing in Waynesville, Lebanon area. So, we have many things around. Oh, and one very large flea market too close by. Caesar’s Creek Flea Market as well on the weekends.

Camp Ohio: Okay, it sounds like there’s just something for just about everybody around that area. So, you’re done with year one there, Jim. What’s year two going to look like for you at Pine Cove Campground?

Jim: I guess, being the new owner, everyone was wanting to kind of see what it did, so we were up for the challenge. We think we’ve raised the bar significantly higher than it has been in the past. So, I guess our challenges next year are going to be able to meet the bar that we set last year and then what incremental changes we’ll make from there to continue to raise the bar.

Camp Ohio: All right, perfect. Now, what’s the best way for some people to reach you if they wanted to join the community there or try to see if there was available space on the weekend?

Jim: Obviously the phone number or we do a lot of our business for our campers and stuff through electronic means, through the Internet, so that is also a very good point of contact.

Camp Ohio: All right, sounds good. Thank you so much, Jim, for taking a little bit of time out of your day to tell us about some of the activities around the area there and to tell us a little bit more about Pine Cove Campground, and we wish you all the luck moving forward into year two.

Jim: Okay, well, thank you.

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