Overview: Outdoors is everywhere and is integrated into the everyday lives of people, effectively blurring the boundary of outdoor adventure and everyday life. Seattle Sports strives to honor this relationship through the continued creation of superior outdoor gear; gear that speaks to a world where outdoors and everyday are synonymous. The Seattle Sports GloLine camp bungee will help keep your site organized with an easy way to make a clothes line and hang gear, wet clothes etc.
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What Makes It Unique: The Seattle Sports GloLine Camp Bungee is a 10 foot bungee cord and comes with 8 glow in the dark hooks. The hooks feature a dual-mounting design that allows two unique assemblies- adjustable and fixed. These strong hooks will easily hold wet clothes, lanterns or other camping essentials. The bungee allows it to easily stretch between trees, across the poles of your pop up tent or even in the cab of your car or truck to hang gear during transit.
Manufacturer: Seattle Sports
Product Name: GloLine Camp Bungee
MSRP: $14.95