This Is Not a Photo of a Cat. Can You Find the Frog?
A tiny frog is playing peek-a-boo with the cat and its owner, but can you find it? It’s not easy to spot in this scene.
A tiny frog is playing peek-a-boo with the cat and its owner, but can you find it? It’s not easy to spot in this scene.
The desert rain frog looks like a puff ball with eyes and legs—and just wait until you hear the bizarre sound it makes.
One hiker spotted a speck of a frog on a tree and challenged the Reddit community to find it. Can you find the frog in this photo?
The magnificent tree frog isn’t supposed to be blue. But this one is. Meet the rare blue frog that might be the only one of its kind on Earth.
A newly discovered species of ancient amphibian has been named after Kermit the Frog. Here’s more about the discovery.