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Three Bigfoots, Two Fishermen, and One Murder

A judge found Larry Doil Sanders Sr. guilty of murdering his friend during a fishing trip in July 2022. Sanders and Jimmy Glenn Knighten were noodling in Oklahoma—you know, fishing for catfish with their bare hands—when things started to get a little weird. Unfortunately, it ended with a cold-blooded murder.

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According to a detailed report of the two-day, non-jury trial by local newspaper The Ada News, Sanders, 55, struggles with substance abuse. He had taken methamphetamine in the days preceding the noodling trip and was likely in a state of psychosis at the time.

A Bigfoot Believer in Psychosis

Sanders is also a Bigfoot believer. According to testimonies, “his Bigfoot rhetoric is more pronounced when he is under the influence of the drug.”

Here’s why that’s relevant.

Sanders took the stand in his own defense in the trial, which wrapped up yesterday, and he explained that he murdered Knighten, 52, in self-defense after Knighten summoned Bigfoot to hurt him. Three Bigfoots, in fact.

From Sanders’ perspective, Knighten was acting strange during the fishing trip. He took a cryptic phone call early in the day, and at one point, Sanders says Knighten even got up on a rock and howled for apparently no reason.

It gets worse.

Sanders says he then saw three Bigfoots by the river—a tall black one about 50 yards away, plus two more, a dark red one and a brown one, farther away. Some reports say Sanders believed Knighten wanted to kill him as a sacrifice to Bigfoot. The two men got into a fight, and Sanders strangled Knighten to death.

Knighten was a father, a grandfather, a son, and a brother. He’d offered Sanders employment starting the following week and then invited him on a noodling trip that ended horribly.

Sanders is now officially guilty of first-degree murder, and he’ll be sentenced in June.

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, get some help. Call the SAMHSA’s National Hotline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

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  1. Gregory Shrader

    I’m not a drug addict of any sort but I and a friend encountered a family of 3 sasquatch while camping deep in the woods in Alabama..ABSOLUTELY no mind altering substances were taken by either of us before or during the trip ..and this guy in the article casts doubt in the minds of people who have never encountered one in their life..its sad that the guy thought such crazy things about his friend but I can tell you for certain that sasquatch do exist .


    I don’t do drugs either, unless it’s with a Bigfoot. They are real. They are dangerous. They are holding.
    Seriously, if you’ve never done drugs with a Bigfoot you haven’t lived.

  3. Pingback: Bigfoot or Bear? Teens Rescued from Forest After Being Stalked - Senderismo Total

  4. I don’t believe Bigfoots do drugs. They don’t have to bc they know what to chew out in the wild if they want to be crazy.

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