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WATCH: Adorable Animal Terrorizes GoPro Camera

That moment when a marmot decides to eat your GoPro camera . . . that’s a moment Adam Taylor, executive director of the Marmot Recovery Foundation, won’t forget. Vancouver Island marmots like the ones in Taylor’s video are endangered, so even though it’s a bummer to have an animal destroy or leave bite marks on your equipment, at least it was all in pursuit of documenting a scarce species.

“We had just released these 6 endangered Vancouver Island marmots to the wild, and I left my Gropro to monitor them as emerged,” Taylor wrote in the YouTube video caption. “One of the marmots thought maybe the camera would be tasty!”

About the size of large house cats, Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) are one of the largest members of the squirrel family. This species is endemic to British Columbia, Canada. Specifically, the Marmot Recovery Foundation says the species lives in the mountains of Vancouver Island. Populations suffer from abnormally high levels of predation (due to it being the main prey species for multiple predators on the island), along with ongoing landscape changes on the island.

See a marmot try to eat a GoPro camera here:

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