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WATCH: Tiger vs. Wild Boar, But Then There’s Also That Crocodile

An epic showdown between a tiger, a wild boar, and a surprise guest in India’s Ranthambore National Park went viral online, and the people who were there to witness will never forget it. In particular, the spectators will never forget the moment a crocodile decided to jump into the fight as it tried to grab a bite of the boar the tiger had in its lethal grasp. How do you think this one ended?

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Rajat Bhandari is the wildlife photographer who shared the video, which attracted nearly 2 million viewers, on YouTube back in 2020. The video is so popular that it’s still circulating on social media. Bhandari has also reshared the video several times and posted some behind-the-scenes photos as well.

Bhandari explains in his YouTube caption that a scream from the wild boar initially alerted his group to the skirmish, so they hurried to see it. “While [the tiger and the boar] were in their struggle of life, a crocodile decided that it wanted a piece of the action too,” wrote Bhandari. “It came close and almost bit the tiger in an attempt to take the wild boar in [the] water.”

He further calls this moment “one of the most famous incidents” ever recorded at Ranthambore.

Watch a tiger vs. boar vs. crocodile here:

Check out some additional photos Bhandari shared of this moment on his Instagram profile here.

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