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WATCH: Who Backs Down, the Tiger or the Cobra?

A video from earlier this summer shows an encounter between a tiger and a cobra in India. The two animals never fully engage, but it’s incredibly interesting to see what does happen. In a tiger vs. cobra showdown, which animal do you think backs away in submission?

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Ramesh Pandey of the Indian Forest Service posted the video to X, showing a young tiger walking in a shallow stream only to stop in its tracks when it sees a cobra crossing from one side of the stream to the other. The cobra also stops in its tracks and settles into attack position as it has a staring contest with the tiger.

From the background camera-shutter noises, there seems to be a group of people documenting the intense moment.

Watch a tiger come across a cobra crossing a stream in India here:

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Who Would Have Won?

Tigers are formidable predators, but so are cobras, which have a deadly venomous bite. We imagine if there had been a fight, the tiger would have taken the cobra down. Even if the tiger was bitten, it would take a while for the venom to shut down its body, so there’s little chance the cobra would leave the encounter alive.

However, it never came to blows. This young tiger is smart. It’d rather pursue a meal that doesn’t have a toxic bite.

Is that what you thought would happen?

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