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Women Think People Are Howling at Them, But It’s Actually Wolves

A group of women thought they heard some howling after dark, so they decided to howl back. After getting a deep howl in return, they concluded the interaction had to be a human one. They tried to out the other group, but there were no humans on the other line. To the women’s shock, they had actually been howling back and forth with a pack of wolves. The video of the interaction went viral last week on Instagram.

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Rachel Levin and Meg DeAngelis were among the group of women who were surprised to discover they’d drawn a bunch of wolves to their doorstep by “howling back.” It’s funny to watch the progression of thought from “I think we heard wolves howling” to “that was like a frat bro” to “oh my gosh, it actually was a wolf!”

The video’s comments section is equally hilarious.

“The wolves showed up like ‘do we look like people to you, Jessica?'” wrote one person.

“I’d be way more scared by some guy outside of my cabin in the middle of the night howling,” wrote another.

“You called them frat boys and they came for blood,” wrote a third.

Watch women howling with actual wolves here:

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Women Think People Are Howling at Them, But It’s Actually Wolves

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