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WATCH: This Fish Eagle’s Fail Is Still Pretty Spectacular

Tan Lu San captured the moment a grey-headed fish eagle almost caught a meal. The slow-motion footage is stunning, even if the moment itself was a bit anticlimactic. But there’s a surprise ending. The fish eagle misses, then it pulls a U-turn and redeems itself, making a multi-fish catch the second time around.

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“Despite a failed dive, the Grey-headed Fish Eagle was not done yet!” the wildlife photographer wrote in his Instagram caption. “It displays sheer tenacity as it makes a U-turn mid-air for another attempt!”

Grey-headed fish eagles live throughout Southeast Asia, including parts of India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. These birds of prey hunt by snatching fish near the surface of a body of water with their large talons.

Watch a fish eagle fail and then “try, try again”:

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