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Check Out This Wildlife Video That’s So Good Some Think It’s AI

With the latest camera technology, we can capture better videos than ever. Don’t believe it? Try watching a wildlife documentary from a decade ago and compare it to what comes out today. However, when it comes to the internet, you need to be on the lookout for artificial intelligence or AI. AI generators can now create amazing images, competing with the best wildlife photographers.

Videos by Outdoors

One recent video of a fox soaking in the morning sun has some people questioning if it’s AI or real.

Check out the video:

In the short clip, a fox turns its head into the wind blowing its fur. 

The video comes from Lee Andelson, who runs an Instagram account called “Wake Up to Adventure.” The photographer is based in the Pacific Northwest, and his page has wildlife like orcas, seals, and otters.

On the amazing fox video, a few comments are calling the footage “AI.” Andelson is quick to reply that it’s the real thing, with several other commenters coming to their defense.

The worry over AI-generated content has grown in recent years, with some questioning its ethical use. The debate will probably continue for some time.

Outdoors.com used an AI detector of a still frame from the video, and that technology told us the fox is the real thing. 

What do you think?

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