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This Is Not a Photo of a Cat. Can You Find the Frog?

At first glance, the image below appears to be a photo of a cat. The person who took the photo saw something else, though—a frog. A tiny frog is playing peek-a-boo with the cat and its owner, but can you find it?

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The photo is one of the latest in the Reddit thread r/FindTheSniper, and it’s from Reddit user technowise. Even though the beautiful cat threatens to steal the show, the real fun is looking for the elusive frog, which technowise swears is there.

This is a hard one. If you need it, there are hints beneath the photo. Scroll to the bottom of the article to see the answer!

Find the frog:

find the frog
Image by technowise r/FindTheSniper

–> Ready for a hint? We’ll give you two.

First, the cat is NOT looking in the direction of the frog.

Second, the frog’s tiny green head is peeking out from a small hole to the upper right-hand side of the cat.

Still can’t find it? Scroll down for the answer.





Find the Hidden Animals

Here’s the hidden frog:

find the frog answer
Image by technowise r/FindTheSniper

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This Is Not a Photo of a Cat. Can You Find the Frog?

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