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Backyard Cinder Block Rocket Stove

Everyone loves a backyard fire pit. It’s a great way to bring the campsite experience back home. It’s a great place to roast marshmallows, and creates a gathering place. For all of the upsides, there is one big downfall – cooking. It’s our belief that nothing tastes better than food cooked over a flame. Backyard campfires are rarely built to withstand the time and patience that it takes to create a great cooking fire. It’s just not in their design.

Videos by Outdoors

While you might be familiar with the idea of a rocket stove, I’m going to show you how to quickly and easily build one in your backyard – to create an affordable backyard cooking appliance. It’s a basic build, requiring only 3 cinder blocks, two patio pavers and a brick – yet the functionality far outweighs the sum of its parts.

Check out the video, and let us know how it works out. I think you’re going to love it.


This is a sponsored post. I am a Bernzomatic Torch Bearer, though all opinions expressed are my own.

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