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Camping Eldorado Canyon State Park in Colorado

Camping at Eldorado Canyon State Park

Eldorado Canon has amazing views of sandstone cliffs, and places to picnic along the South Border Creek. Camping is not permitted in Eldorado Canyon as it closes at sun down. There are several great campsites to stay at nearby so you can spend the day there. As far as amenities go they have picnic sites that you can stop and eat at with lovely views. They have a meeting area that can host around 35 people, and a visitor center with a gift shop.

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Things To Do at Eldorado Canyon State Park

You can bike through the trials, or go boating in the creek that flows through the canyons. The Junior Ranger program for kids goes on Saturdays like a mini summer camp with fun activities. You can go fishing in the South Boulder creek and catch some amazing fish. There is also horseback riding if you bring your own horses, hunt if you have the appropriate license, and go rock-climbing. During the winter you can ski and go snowshoeing.

Eldorado Canyon State Park
Post Office Box B
Eldorado Springs, CO 80025

Park Location
9 Kneale Road
Eldorado Springs, CO 80025
Phone: 303-494-3943

Office Hours>/strong>
9 am to 5 pm

Eldorado Canyon State Park Hours
Sunrise to Sunset EVERY day of the year!!!

Eldorado State Park Fees
Daily Vehicle Pass – $8
Daily Walk-In Pass – $3
Annual Pass – $70
Annual Multiple Pass for an additional vehicle – $35
Aspen Leaf Yearly Pass for Colorado residents 64 and older – $60
Aspen Leaf Yearly Multiple Pass for an additional vehicle – $30
Replacement Annual Passes – $5

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