Whether you’re new to camping or a seasoned outdoorsman, these camping tips are sure to make your next trip better!
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1. Use a rake as a skewer
Once it’s been cleaned/sanitized, you can use it to cook all your hot dogs – or marshmallows – at the same time.
2. Skip the lunchboxes
You can pack any type of food in foil to keep food fresh.
3. Conserve matches
Using Vaseline, coat a ball of cotton and wrap it in aluminum foil. This can last for up to 10 minutes.
4. DIY firestarter
Dip circular cotton pads in wax.
5. DIY torch
Fill an empty Altoids tin with cardboard then add wax on top.
6. DIY charcoal grill
All you need is an old or unused egg carton and charcoal. Put the charcoal into the egg carton. You’re good to go.
7. Don’t lose your keys
Attach your keys to a cork to keep them afloat if you plan to be out on the water.
8. Prep pancakes ahead of time
Prior to your camping day, make your pancake batter and store individually in plastic bags, then freeze them.
9. Use rosemary instead of messy marinade
Place the rosemary beneath the meat and directly above the charcoal.
10. Keep valuables safe
Make a fairly deep hole in your soap and fit them safely inside.
11. Protect your toilet paper
Take a can that is equivalent to the size of the toilet roll. Cut a fairly long slit along the can. Put the roll into the can and seal it with the lid.
12. DIY lantern
Strap a head lamp to either an old soda bottle or gallon jug of water. This will ‘magnify’ the light and keep your tent well-lit.
13. DIY speakers
Instead of packing speakers that require electricity, simply place your phone in a mug or jar. This will amplify the sound.
14. Natural bug repellent
If your campsite is infested with mosquitoes, don’t waste money on chemical repellents. Sage is a natural herb that keeps mosquitoes away when it comes into contact with fire.
15. Pack small amounts of spices
Your food doesn’t need to be bland just because you’re camping, and you also don’t need to pack the entire salt shaker. A Tic Tac container is and easy and compact way to store whatever spices you may need.
16. Stay warm
Put on the clothes you intend to wear the next day and climb into your sleeping bag. While you sleep at night you’re actually warming your clothes. This trick works best, especially during winter.
17. DIY kindler
If you’ve ever done this, you know that Doritos are a great way to kindle fire. This works especially well when you’re trying to light damp wood.
18. Pre-pack coffee
All you need is a coffee filter and dental floss. Put your desired amount of coffee grounds into the coffee filter and use the dental floss to tie it up. Use it just like a tea bag!
19. Use soap sparingly
Slice your bar of soap into thin slices – one for each time you bathe.
20. Zipper helper
For a cold weather camping trip, attach a key ring to small sized zippers that are tough to zip when you’re wearing mittens or gloves.