Holiday Decor Confuses Mountain Lion in Wyoming (Video)
A mountain lion became quite confused by holiday decor earlier this week. It got up close and personal with a fake deer.
A mountain lion became quite confused by holiday decor earlier this week. It got up close and personal with a fake deer.
Eyes bigger than your stomach? Same for this kingfisher, which caught five fish at the same time. Watch what happens here.
Trail-cam footage over time shows a lone wolf with use of only three of its legs surviving just fine near Voyageurs National Park.
Michael Hodges braved a winter blizzard in Yellowstone to document just how hardy bison are when Mother Nature does her worst.
Watch the beautiful moment a bird lands on a woman’s gloved hand. The incredible slow-motion footage has captured many people’s hearts.
A great blue heron caught and ate a snake whole, but the snake put up a fight and the bird really had to work for it. Watch here.
A trail camera from Manitoba, Canada shows an up-close view of a gray wolf pack howling and making a whole lot of other strange noises.
What animal can scare not just one but three bears up a tree? Watch what mercilessly chases the bears up a tree here.
A video shows wolves surrounding and harassing a ‘bad*ss’ one-eared grizzly bear. What do you think happens next?
A wildlife photographer caught the moment an owl upchucked a pellet so large that it had to use its talons to yank it out of its mouth.