We’ve all seen these cheap garage shelves before but probably never thought to cut a hole for a plastic bin to make a camp kitchen. Several years back, user vik-king posted a DIY camp sink project on the forum at CanvasCampers.com. For those who camp often or for longer than weekend stretches, this DIY camp kitchen would be a great addition to your campsite. The working sink would come into play at a site with a water hookup, or hanging up a plastic container of water and connecting the sprayer to that. What a cool project! Here’s how to make your own camp kitchen setup.
Videos by Outdoors
- Three-level plastic shelving (preferably collapsible)
- Rectangular wash basins
- 5-gallon water jug (of clean water)
- Water bottle pump
- 1″ PVC pipe and a PVC pipe cutter
- A simple sink drain
- PVC-reducing coupling
- Large water jug (to catch gray water)
- Cut a hole in one of your basins the diameter of the drain.
- Cut two holes in the top shelf, the size of your sink basins.
- Set up your shelving, put wash basins in holes and put the drain in place.
- Put gray-water jug on bottom shelf.
- Cut PVC pipe to length so it goes from the drain into the gray-water jug.
- Use coupling to attach drain to pipe inside the
- Attach bottle pump to 5-gallon jug and set it up so it pumps into the sink basin with drain.
Want to make your camp sink even sturdier, check out Leisure Co.’s directions for a Wood & Steel DIY camp sink.