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GIVEAWAY! Green Label Organic – Sustainable Threads

Videos by Outdoors

BONUS! 50 Campfires fans can get $5.00 off their first order by using promo code: CAMP5 (expires 9/17/15)

I have a t-shirt collection that might rival the local shopping mall. Every time I come home with another t-shirt, my wife can’t help by roll her eyes at me. To say that I have a problem might be an understatement. The problem with my collection, is the fact that the majority of it is low quality. Shirts that shrink – and are made without any regard for the environment. Enter Green Label Organic.

Green Label Organic – Sustainable Threads

Based in Virginia, Green Label Organic has made a commitment to “walk their talk” with good-for-the-earth business practices that we have no problem getting behind:

  • 100% Certified Organic
    Low Impact Dyes
    No PVCs or other harsh chemicals
    Made in the USA

A few of us at the office have been wearing Green Label Organic t-shirts for the past few weeks, and can honestly say that not only are they coming from a great place with global and social responsibility – but they also make a great product that wears just as great as it looks.

With a full range of styles, there’s sure to be a design that speaks to your sensibilities and personal style. For more information, and to purchase your own Green Label Organic shirt – click here!

Green Label Organic – Sustainable Threads

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