Kyle Prato didn’t expect to learn the hard way that quick sand isn’t just for the movies. In this case, though, it was mud that sucked the hiker in and wouldn’t let him go—not sand. Prato, 24, was hiking in a New York wilderness area with his dog, when suddenly the dog ran after a duck into the muddy area where a lake used to be. Even though there were signs warning people to stay away from the deep mud, Prato went after his pup, and then he started sinking.
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For about an hour, Prato told CBS News New York that he was slowly sinking into the mud as he waited for help. Movement only seemed to pull him down into the mud faster. Prato called a friend, but she lost cellular service upon entering the area and couldn’t find Prato’s pinned location. Thankfully, Prato also got through to 9-1-1, and a first responder was able to help him out.
Watch the CBS News report and see footage of a first responder helping a hiker who was sinking in mud:
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