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How to Set Up Your Campsite, Anytime & Anywhere

Setting up a campsite can pose lot of challenges. It’s not like you can go into your kitchen and turn on the stove and boil some water, so everything takes a little bit longer – everything’s a little bit more inconvenient – but it’s super fun.

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One of the fun things about camping is figuring out crafty solutions to all these little inconveniences. So, when you’re setting up your tent and your campsite, you want to think about how to set it up to make it as easy on you as possible.

You kind of need to think about six areas in your campsite; there’s where you’re going to put your tent, there’s where you’re going to have your fire. You should also have an area where you hang your tarp and make a little lean-to; this will be a place where you can be outside your tent if it’s raining, so you can still enjoy the day and not be stuck in the tent. You want to think about a place to do dishes after you’ve cooked, and that should probably be a place sort of near your fire and where you keep your food, which is the other place you want to think of on your campsite.

Then, finally, you want to think about where you can put your bathroom and hygiene area so that it’s away from the rest of camp and everybody knows where to go in the middle of the night and they need some toilet paper.

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