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Influencer Controversially Records Moments After Rattlesnake Bit Him

David Humphlett was able to maintain good spirits for a minute or so after an eastern diamondback rattlesnake bit him in the leg in Florida, which was long enough to make a video that definitely went viral. But the 25-year-old herpetology enthusiast and social-media influencer knew the gravity of the situation, despite all the jokes he was cracking before the effects of the rattlesnake venom started to set in.

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As Humphlett’s friends stood in shock and confusion, Humphlett recorded the snake and briefly explained that he’d pulled back some bark and then surprised the snake, which bit him swiftly on the leg before he could move away. Before the video stops, he acknowledges that he’ll soon lose his ability to walk.

Humphlett’s friends rushed him to medical help, and since the incident, he and his wife have been posting updates on his health from the hospital. It seems Humphlett is still not out of the woods yet, but he encourages his online community not to hold any of this against the snake.

“ok, first thing’s first—the snake is NOT the problem. this post is NOT about snakes being the problem. please hear me on this,” Humphlett wrote in his video caption on Instagram. “i love snakes. snakes are beautiful animals created by God [. . .] mishaps happen. just be vigilant and wear a pair of snakeboots (the tall ones that guard against bites!) when out in dense habitat! snakes will leave you alone if you leave them alone and will only strike out of fear or if they think you are a perceived threat. in fact, my rattler only struck the one time and then just began inching backwards away from me and towards safety, rattling as he went.”

Even though Humphlett’s instinct to record a video after a bite from a venomous snake may be foreign to many, his choice to use his platform to educate people about snakes and how they can avoid what happened to him is admirable. He and his family have set up a GoFundMe campaign to help with the costs of his ongoing medical care.

See an influencer’s video showing the moments after a rattlesnake bit him (and the aftermath) here:

Watch an interview with Humphlett here:

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