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Kayaking On The Fly: Potential World-Record Red Drum Catch

Rob Choi, a kayak angler, caught a 53 point red drum while fly fishing on a 20-pound tippet. If approved by the IGFA, this catch will far surpass the existing world record of 41 pounds.

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Red drums are common in Florida and Charleston, ranging as far north as Massachusetts. In the Gulf of Mexico, the species thrives all the way to northern Mexico.

Choi is based in Richmond, Virginia. He typically pursues speckled trout, musky, striped bass, sheepshead, and flounder in local waters. This particular fish was caught off the shores of eastern Virginia with a chartreuse Half & Half.

The fly he used combines two of the most popular flies: Bob Clouser’s Clouser Minnow and Lefty Kreh’s Deceiver. The Half & Half fly imitates baitfish in both freshwater and saltwater environments.

Upon landing the fish, Rob underwent the necessary steps for a world record application through the IGFA.

The IGFA, currently reviewing the catch, is a not-for-profit organization committed to the conservation of game fish. It promotes responsible, ethical angling practices through science, education, rulemaking, and record keeping.

After weighing and measuring the fish, Choi released it back into the water to get even bigger.

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